
Craig Tyrrell Personal Training

The importance of keeping the body hydrated is often highly underestimated.
Sedentary adults lose at least two litres of water per day in cool environments. That amount can easily double in hot temperatures and when levels of activity are increased.
Of course we don’t accumulate all of our daily allowance of water just from drinking alone. The food we eat provides us with plenty of liquid – for example, fruit has a very high water content. Unfortunately for us though, high salt concentration and alcohol etc require extra water to digest, meaning an increase in your daily intake of water to around 8 glasses is necessary, in order to maintain efficient bodily functions.

Our body requires sufficient water for almost all vital processes, including:

  • Heart function
  • Blood pressure
  • Joint lubrication
  • Regulation of body temperature
  • Glucose transportation
  • Cell functioning
  • Waste elimination

Water also keeps your metabolism ticking over so whether you want to lose weight, keep fit or achieve maximum potential in the sporting arena, you must incorporate at least a litre of liquid into your daily routine.